Loving God Supremely
Loving Others Dearly

- God loves you -

Those words are easily said ... but that truth is the most profound truth in all the universe ...

a spiritual family in the Lord

the words most often used to describe the atmosphere at Strong Tower is ... a loving family
We invite you to grow in your relationship with the Lord
by listening to available sermons

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Where we are located

God planted Strong Tower on Saint Joseph Avenue
as an evangelical presence of light to the community

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you've waited long enough

God is calling you to join Him in His work in this world.
The collection of  people who say "Yes" to His call are called ... the Church.
God is waiting for you to say "Yes" to His call on your life and join His Family.
Will you say "Yes" to Him today?

Help us with our mission

Help us with our mission to reach the city of Saint Joseph and the world
for Jesus christ

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